L-Track Massage
The L-Track system massages from the neck, past the glutes, and down to the back portion of the thighs. The track in which the massage heads move is curved to contour the back and glutes area.
Zero Gravity Positioning
Inspired by NASA, the Zero gravity position is a great way to enjoy a massage. It positions the spine so that it reduces the vertical pressure. In the zero gravity position, the weight of your back is virtually supported by the backrest which also maximizes the intensity of the massage
24 Airbag Massage
Osaki strives to make its chairs efficient and extremely reliable. Other brands of chairs will market to have 70+ airbags for the full body massage. The engineers believe with more airbags and more valves, the more strain the air pump endures. With more moving parts, the greater the chance of something failing. Osaki has been engineering its chairs to reduce the airbag count and at the same time increasing the surface area by using more pliable and durable material which have received great feedback. All 24 airbags are strategically placed to optimize the squeezing effect of the shoulders, arms, hands, hips, calves and feet.
Adjustable Outer Shoulder Massage
Osaki has taken custom fitting to a whole new level by adding adjustable outer shoulders. The outer massage airbags are typically stationary and depending on the height and width of the user, the shoulder massagers are at times very ineffective because of positioning. With the ability to adjust to 3 different widths, the user has the ability to improve the strength and fitting of the outer shoulder massage.
Space Saving Recline Technology
Most typical massage chairs consume a lot of space, especially when in the recline position. Massage chairs require up to 3 feet behind the backrest in order for the chair to fully recline. Osaki’s innovative design team has engineered a space saving technology that slides the chair forward as the chair reclines. Less than 4 inches of space is required when laying back!
Lumbar Heating Pad
On each side of the lower lumbar area are individual heating pads. The heat therapy is a great compliment to roller and airbag massage. Heating the body’s temperature is known increase blood circulation and loosen tense muscles. The heating pad is not intended to exceed more than 30 minutes of usage a day.
Spring Loaded Footrest Extension
A common complaint is a lack of pressure on the bottoms of the feet, or the length of the footrest is not accurate. With the spring loaded leg massager, there is a continuous pressure applied to the bottoms of the feet with the springs wanting to retract. This also avoids improper calibration in length. It will extend out to comfortably fit a user up to 6’3” depending if they are bottom or top long. The minimum height would be 5’, but if the leg rest is raised it may accommodate someone slightly shorter.
IMPORTANT: For adult use only. Any individual who may be pregnant or recently gave birth, has a heart condition or a pacemaker, suffers from diabetes or other sensory impairment, phlebitis and/or thrombosis, joint dysfunction, inflammation or injuries, weak bones, osteoporosis, a high fever, an abnormal or curved spine, is at an increased risk of developing blood clots, has pins/screws/artificial joints or other medical devices implanted in his/her body, is being treated for a medical condition or physical injury or is under a doctor's care should consult with a medical professional before using a massaging device designed for home use. Remove all scarves, neckties, necklaces, and jewelry before using this massager.